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Smart Tips on Motorcycle Insurance

The state of Texas has the perfect weather to ride motorcycles all year round. But before you get on your ride, you better have motorcycle insurance. Newcomers to riding bikes should seek out tips on buying an insurance policy. Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX can assist with purchasing the right motorcycle insurance coverage for your riding experience. 

Texas Motorcycle Insurance Requirements

To ride a motorcycle in Texas, you will need some form of liability insurance. It will help pay for all damages and injuries sustained by either party following a road accident. Insurance companies call this type of coverage "bodily injury or property damage" in most policies.

The wording guarantees the motorcycle will be restored to its original design and condition. The coverage will try to acquire all original manufactured parts during the repair process. If unavailable, the replacement motorcycle parts will be custom-made.

Other Important Motorcycle Insurance Coverage Options

Often, a basic motorcycle insurance policy needs more coverage besides liability. Other coverage options include comprehensive, collision, medical, and uninsured motorist. All provide more financial protection than a basic motorcycle insurance policy. 

Comprehensive coverage protects your motorcycle from fire, theft, and vandalism. Collision coverage pays for all repairs to your bike following a road accident with a vehicle or another motorcycle. Also, the policy wording should include coverage if you lay down your cycle to avoid a potential collision on the road. Medical coverage will pay all hospital bills, regardless of who is at fault. Finally, uninsured motorist coverage protects you if the other party involved in the accident has no or minimal insurance coverage. It should pay for all medical bills, repair costs, and lost wages due to injury.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Protecting yourself and others while riding your motorcycle is every rider’s top priority. Consult with us at Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX to discuss all insurance coverage options available. Our staff can create a policy that protects you in case of an accident. Call and schedule an appointment today.