Certain types of auto insurance include roadside assistance, which can be invaluable if your car breaks down while you are driving. Understanding what roadside assistance is and which auto insurance policies include this service can help you navigate vehicle troubles.
At Allied Insurance Agency, servicing Amarillo, TX, we’re more than happy to help you determine whether your auto insurance incorporates roadside assistance. If you’d prefer an auto insurance policy that offers this feature, we can also assist you.
What Is Roadside Assistance?
Roadside assistance coverage typically includes services such as battery jump starts, spare tire installations, lockout services, fuel delivery, and towing. However, the specifics of roadside assistance coverage can vary from one insurer to the next.
Your insurance company may cover all or part of these services. To find out what’s included in your coverage, discuss it with your insurance agent or refer to the details in your policy.
Which Insurance Policies Include Roadside Assistance?
Roadside assistance is commonly included in full coverage auto insurance policies. If you have an auto loan, full coverage policies are a requirement. Many people with newer cars also prefer full coverage.
Is Full Coverage Auto Insurance Necessary?
While full coverage auto insurance isn’t mandated by law, your car loan lender will not provide you with a loan until you have this type of coverage. Your insurance agent can help you decide if full coverage auto insurance suits you.
Reach Out to Your Insurance Agent
Do you have questions about full coverage auto insurance and roadside assistance? Contact Allied Insurance Agency servicing Amarillo, TX. We’re here to help.