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Why You May Be Required to Have Home Insurance

Home insurance is more than a need for anyone who owns a home; it’s often also a requirement. Many entities require homeowners insurance. If you don’t yet have your policy, please call us at Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, to find out more.

Mortgage Lenders

Virtually all mortgage lenders require you to have home insurance. They’re investing heavily in your home and want to protect their investment. Most lenders require the home insurance policy to be in place before you can close on the home. If you plan to buy soon, a home policy needs to be set up. This policy can take effect on the closing day.


You will likely need home insurance if you live in an area governed by a homeowner’s association or HOA. These organizations aim to ensure the ability to repair any damaged homes in the area and protect property values. Without home insurance, derelict houses that suffered damage but can’t afford to repair pose a risk. Ensuring all homeowners maintain home insurance assures everyone that funds will be available for necessary repairs.


Most areas have covenants whether you have an HOA or not. Most home buyers must acknowledge these covenants when they purchase their home; having home insurance is usually part of this. The reasoning behind it is the same as for HOAs: to prevent property values from dropping.

Acquiring Home Insurance

If you’re purchasing a house, you should acquire home insurance to cover you from day one of ownership. Contact us at Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX.

What is Covered by Renter’s Insurance?

Renter’s insurance can help you protect your belongings and financial security. It’s important to know what is covered by renter’s insurance if you are a renter. We offer renter’s insurance at Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX. 

Personal Belongings 

Renter’s insurance provides coverage for your personal belongings. This includes electronics, jewelry, antiques, and furniture. If your items are damaged due to a covered event, your renter’s policy will cover replacing them. 

You can also add valuables plus coverage. This is a good idea if you have valuable items that exceed the limits of your policy, such as high-value items like jewelry or antiques. 

Personal Liability

Personal liability insurance covers injuries to others on your property. For example, liability coverage will pay for their medical expenses if someone falls and hits their head. Liability coverage also includes accidental damage to someone’s belongings or property that occurs at your home. 

Loss of Use

Most renter’s policies also cover loss of use. If your home is unlivable, this coverage will pay for your living expenses until you can get back into your home.

This includes rent or hotel expenses, food costs, and transportation costs. 

Identity Theft 

Your renter’s policy may also provide some protection from identity theft. This coverage typically covers unauthorized transactions and may also cover legal fees. 

Water Backup 

You may also consider water backup insurance, which covers damage caused by a backed-up sewer system or drain. 


You may also choose earthquake coverage. This will cover any damage to your belongings due to an earthquake. 

Renter’s Insurance at Allied Insurance Agency

If you need renter’s insurance in Amarillo, TX, contact us at Allied Insurance Agency. Our experienced agents will discuss your needs and concerns and help you select the best policy for your situation. 

Automotive Coverage Criteria for New Drivers

Automotive insurance will protect you as a new driver. If you have recently passed your driving test, review the tips below. Then, contact one of our Allied Insurance Agency representatives for further assistance.

Liability Protection

Many regions require drivers to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance coverage. Liability protection pays for the cost of repairs.

If you are found at fault in a traffic accident, the liability insurance protection you have will handle the expenses that directly result from the accident.

You can carry the minimum amount of liability protection that is required in the region in which you live. You also have the option of increasing the amount of liability protection that you are equipped with.

Damage and Theft

Damage and theft coverage will pay for automotive repair costs and the loss of automotive equipment. This type of coverage will allow you to recoup losses you incur after a criminal activity. The amount of coverage that you choose should be consistent with the value of your vehicle. 

Insurance Documents

As a new driver, you may have many questions about your rights and responsibilities. Before you select an insurance product, review each of the options you have.

Compare rates and review the insurance guidelines that are furnished for each type of coverage that you are seeking.

After you purchase insurance, keep your insurance paperwork in a safe place. One copy of your proof of insurance should always be stored inside your vehicle.

Contact Allied Insurance Agency

An agent serving the Amarillo, TX region can answer any questions about automotive insurance. They will match you with products that will be useful to you.

Do You Need Motorcycle Insurance According to Texas Law?

At Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, our skilled team of insurance professionals guides owners of various vehicles, including motorcycles, to understand whether they legally require insurance. Although insurance laws differ from one state to another, in Texas, the requirement for minimum coverage extends to all vehicle owners.

Is Motorcycle Insurance Mandatory in Texas?

According to the Texas Department of Insurance, every motorcycle owner must maintain an insurance policy carrying a minimum liability limit of $30,000 per injured person. In addition, the laws necessitate a minimum liability of $60,000 per accident and $25,000 for property damage per accident in a motorcycle insurance policy. Familiarized with the “30/60/25” coverage, these minimum requirements may not always address your specific insurance needs. Opting for higher coverage can provide financial security in circumstances needing expansive coverage. Other policy features may warrant considerations, such as replacing a stolen motorcycle.

Texas law imposes the same requirement on all vehicles. Our competent team can simplify your understanding of the minimum coverage and propose alternatives that are best suited to your lifestyle and personal circumstances.

For more information on how to comply with the legal insurance requirements for your motorcycle or other vehicles in Amarillo, TX, contact the expert team at Allied Insurance Agency today!

Tips to Minimize Potential Liability Issues Around Your Home

As a homeowner, protecting yourself against potential liability issues is crucial for safeguarding your financial well-being and ensuring peace of mind. At Allied Insurance Agency, we provide home insurance to residents in the greater Amarillo, TX area. We’re committed to helping homeowners mitigate risks and create a safer environment for their families and visitors. 

1. Keep Walkways Clear and Well-Maintained

Regularly inspect and maintain walkways, driveways, and pathways around your home to ensure they are free from hazards such as cracks, uneven surfaces, and debris. Proper lighting and clear pathways help prevent slips, trips, and falls, reducing the risk of injuries to visitors and guests.

2. Secure Outdoor Areas and Play Equipment

Ensure outdoor areas, including decks, patios, and play equipment, are properly secured and maintained. Install sturdy railings, repair loose boards or steps, and regularly inspect play structures for signs of wear or damage. Keeping outdoor spaces safe and secure minimizes the risk of accidents and injuries.

3. Maintain Adequate Home Security Measures

Invest in home security systems, including alarms, motion sensors, and surveillance cameras, to deter potential intruders and protect your property. Secure doors and windows with sturdy locks, and consider installing security lighting to illuminate dark areas around your home.

4. Properly Store Hazardous Materials and Tools

Store hazardous materials out of reach of children and pets. Follow manufacturer instructions for proper use and disposal of hazardous substances to prevent accidents and exposure to toxic chemicals.

At Allied Insurance Agency, serving the greater Amarillo, TX area, we understand the importance of protecting your home and loved ones from potential liability risks. Our knowledgeable agents can help you assess your insurance needs, review coverage options, and tailor a home insurance policy that provides comprehensive protection and peace of mind.

Why All Renters Need Renters’ Insurance

Everyone should take steps to protect themselves financially. When you rent a home, it’s important to have the protection you need. You should have a renters’ insurance policy so that you’re well protected against the many risks you could face as a renter. It’s important to make sure that you’re able to get things taken care of if there is a major damaging event or another problem that leads to big bills later. To get your renters’ insurance, call us at Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX.

Protection for Your Belongings

Most of what you own is located in your home, and often it’s all of what you own. That leaves you vulnerable to damaging incidents if you don’t have renters’ insurance. When you have renters’ insurance, your possessions are covered against a wide range of risks. It’s important to have this coverage so that if your belongings were destroyed or otherwise made unusable, you would be able to pay for the replacement of your belongings. Something like an accident or a disaster can easily wipe out most of what you own all at once. Stay prepared in case this happens. 

Liability Protection

It’s also important to protect yourself against any liability you may have after an accident. If someone is in your home and has an accident there, they could have medical bills that you would owe. When you have renters’ insurance, it pays for these medical bills and certain other expenses that the injured party has because of the accident. No renter should be without this type of coverage just in case someone falls or is otherwise injured. 

Get Renters’ Insurance

To get started with renters’ insurance, you can contact us for more information. Call us today at Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX to learn more about it. 

What to do Immediately Following an Accident

No one wants to have a vehicle accident, but they do happen. Your auto insurance representative at Allied Insurance Agency serving Amarillo, TX wants you to be as prepared as possible in the event that you have a vehicle accident.

Here’s what to do immediately following an accident:

Ensure Safety

Personal harm is the worst thing that can come out of a vehicle accident. Before doing anything else, ensure your own safety and the safety of others. If anyone is injured, dial 911 right away to get help. If the accident has occurred in an area where there is danger, move to a safe location so that more damage or harm can be avoided.

Exchange Information

Exchange names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance company details and vehicle registration numbers with the other drivers that are involved. It’s also helpful to get contact information from witnesses. If others aren’t forthcoming with information, take photographs of vehicles and license plates with your phone.

File a Police Report

Be sure to stick around and file a police report. This report will be very helpful when it comes to filing your claim. Give the officer as much information as possible so the facts are clear.

Notify Your Auto Insurance Company

As soon as possible after the accident, inform your insurance company. Provide them with all the necessary information and documentation, including copies of police accident reports, photographs, and witness information.

Get Repair Estimates

Obtain at least three estimates for repairing your vehicle. You’ll want to submit them along with your insurance claim so you can get your vehicle fixed and back on the road as soon as possible following the accident.

Call Today To Discuss Your Options

Your insurance representative at Allied Insurance Agency serving Amarillo, TX is ready to assist with all your auto insurance needs. Contact us today to get started.

Smart Tips on Motorcycle Insurance

The state of Texas has the perfect weather to ride motorcycles all year round. But before you get on your ride, you better have motorcycle insurance. Newcomers to riding bikes should seek out tips on buying an insurance policy. Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX can assist with purchasing the right motorcycle insurance coverage for your riding experience. 

Texas Motorcycle Insurance Requirements

To ride a motorcycle in Texas, you will need some form of liability insurance. It will help pay for all damages and injuries sustained by either party following a road accident. Insurance companies call this type of coverage "bodily injury or property damage" in most policies.

The wording guarantees the motorcycle will be restored to its original design and condition. The coverage will try to acquire all original manufactured parts during the repair process. If unavailable, the replacement motorcycle parts will be custom-made.

Other Important Motorcycle Insurance Coverage Options

Often, a basic motorcycle insurance policy needs more coverage besides liability. Other coverage options include comprehensive, collision, medical, and uninsured motorist. All provide more financial protection than a basic motorcycle insurance policy. 

Comprehensive coverage protects your motorcycle from fire, theft, and vandalism. Collision coverage pays for all repairs to your bike following a road accident with a vehicle or another motorcycle. Also, the policy wording should include coverage if you lay down your cycle to avoid a potential collision on the road. Medical coverage will pay all hospital bills, regardless of who is at fault. Finally, uninsured motorist coverage protects you if the other party involved in the accident has no or minimal insurance coverage. It should pay for all medical bills, repair costs, and lost wages due to injury.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Protecting yourself and others while riding your motorcycle is every rider’s top priority. Consult with us at Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX to discuss all insurance coverage options available. Our staff can create a policy that protects you in case of an accident. Call and schedule an appointment today. 

Why should I always have a home insurance plan for my Texas property?

Owning real estate is a good idea for a lot of people in the Amarillo, TX area. If you would like to buy a property in this area, it is important you do all that you can to protect your assets and your investments. A great way this is done is by getting home insurance. You should always carry a home insurance plan in this area for various reasons. 

Receive Helpful Coverage

A primary reason to always have home insurance for your Texas home is to receive helpful coverage. Home insurance offers some very valuable forms of insurance. This includes coverage for your assets and dwelling, your personal assets, and personal liability insurance. This will not only offer some comfort but also ensure you are prepared and ready for a variety of challenging situations that could come with stress and financial risks. 

Meet Insurance Standards

You also need to have home insurance for your Texas home to ensure you meet any requirements and insurance standards. Most people who own a home are going to finance the purchase with a mortgage. Other people may live in a larger home association. In these cases, you are likely going to have specific insurance rules that need to be followed. Carrying coverage will ensure you comply. 

Consult With Us

Home insurance in the Amarillo, TX area is something you should always consider getting. If you are trying to get a new home insurance plan when you are in this area, it would be very smart to call our team with the Allied Insurance Agency. Our professionals with the Allied Insurance Agency will offer any help that you need to build and create your next plan to ensure your needs are met and your home is properly covered. 

What Texas Renters Should Know About Liability Protection

For many Amarillo, TX renters, liability protection is a coverage component included in their rental insurance policies. Yet, just because it is common does not mean everyone understands the extent of this coverage. If you have a renter’s insurance policy, here are some essential coverage components you should understand.

Renters Insurance

Medical Payments

Liability protection often includes coverage for medical payments made on behalf of someone who does not reside in your home. If a guest is injured while visiting, no matter who is at fault, this coverage may help cover their medical bills. However, remember that this coverage component is typically extended to non-household members.

Beyond Property Loss

Another essential part of this coverage is that it can offer protection for losses beyond physical property, such as furniture. For instance, if your dog bites someone at a local Amarillo TX park, your liability coverage might cover their medical bills, missed time from work, and other associated costs.

Coverage Amounts

Not all policies have the same amount of liability coverage. One person might have a policy with $100,000, while someone else might have $250,000 in liability protection. Examine your circumstances to determine how much coverage you need. A professional at Allied Insurance Agency can help you review your coverage limits.

Legal Fee Assistance

Suppose a guest is injured in your home, and they decide to sue you for damages. In that case, the liability protection offered with your policy can help you cover the cost of any court costs, settlements, or legal fees associated with the case based on your policy limit.

We Are Here To Help

You must understand the depth of your liability protection. The more knowledgeable you are, the more you can get out of your policy and the more peace of mind you will have. Contact Allied Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX to learn more about how your liability coverage can work for you.